One of the fun aspects of Rock Band is the ability to customize your band. You can create your character, deck him or her out in genre specific clothes and create some stand-in characters if you don’t have enough (virtual or IRL) friends to form a real band.
There is a neat bit of integration between Rock Band 2 and the site in that you can sync your profile in the game up with the online site. Your bands, characters and stats are then visible online (although it’s a shame they didn’t flesh out the stats aspect, you can only see total score and fans). There’s also an ability to “take pictures” of your band or characters by posing them with various expressions behind several preset backgrounds. This takes “your band” out of your Xbox360 or PS3 and into the real world! For example, here’s my character in an official band picture (if you print it out and bring it to me, I will autograph it for you): takes it a step further and allows you to create merchandise (i.e., t-shirts) featuring your band and even models of your characters. I won’t fall into that trap but the ability to bring your gaming experience into the real world is cool.