Recently, Apple dropped the price of its iPod shuffle down to $55 CDN and launched a new 2GB version. The shuffle was now sufficiently cheap that I picked up a 2GB (PRODUCT) RED version for $75 ($84 after tax). I was originally planning on buying the 1GB version, but an extra 30% in cost bought 2X the storage space (since the 1GB model cost $6 to ship as it was cheaper than the $75 free shipping threshold).
I wasn’t in the market for a new iPod, as my existing 4G model bought in 2004 is roughed up but still working. But the requirements that my iPod satisfies has changed since then. In 2004, I liked the idea of having my entire (purchased) music collection on my iPod for backup and as a memory aid so I don’t buy the same CDs multiple times. That is no longer that big of an issue as I am more selective in my CD crawling, and I have several backup options (multiple computers, DVDs, online). My listening habits have also been refined, as I primarily use my time-staggered, ratings-weighted, rotating playlist of about 100 songs. Since my iPod now is not dynamic, this playlist gets updated with new songs every time I sync.
My realization is that I could fit this playlist onto a shuffle that is smaller, has longer battery life, and cheaper (although I don’t really lose things); and since I have disposable income so sunk cost isn’t an issue, it’s a no-brainer to upgrade.