This weekend, Pauline and I went to the final Luminato festivities of the year. It was head in two locations, Distillery District and Harbourfront. We started off at Distillery because it was closer by car and parking was only $2.70 (yay for weekends)! The other reason was that we had never been to the Distillery District before, although we had tried to on occasion. The problem was that I was never entirely sure where it was (King/Parliament) and so could never find it. This time it was easier since there was a backup of cars looking for parking.
DD was not-surprisingly what I expected it to be. It’s Toronto’s equivalent of Yaletown; and I guess every large city needs some sort of neighborhood like this. We walked around the neighborhood for awhile amongst the crowd but there wasn’t really much to do there. It looks like most people came out for the crowds and the nice day since I only saw a couple of art pieces.
We then took the shuttle bus (TTC bus) version of the Luminato Link to Harbourfront. The Luminato events at Harbourfront was called Carnival H2O and was more interesting. There were the usual static art pieces, and the usual street festival tents (food, crafts); but also constant Carribean music from the ampitheatre, and after the sun set there was a FireWalk (although we didn’t see a lot because we were eating).
At the end of the night, we took the boat version of the Luminato Link back to the Parliament pier and then a walk back to our street parking.