After a long process that started in January, we finally received delivery of our wedding invitations this week. But even that is only halfway there, since we need to actually deliver the invitations to all of you, which involves collecting and organizing your names and addresses. On Good Friday, we tried to do some of that effort, but because everything was closed we weren’t able to head over to Staples and buy labels. Friday night I headed over to Horace’s house to play some board games with Rishi and Aaron.
On Saturday, I bought some labels and then met up with Peter, Nelson and Victor to look at formal wear. There’s a convenient stretch of street at Yonge/Steeles that has a Moore’s, Syd Silver and Freeman’s within walking distance. In a little two hours, we visited all three and got all our business sorted out! After dinner, we headed over to Adrienne’s place for her keg party. Someone brought over Rock Band, and I tried it for the first time. I got stuck singing most of the time because my revolving-door band mates didn’t like singing, although I did end up trying the guitar too. I never tried the drums, but it seems to be pretty hard because you also have to use your foot in time with your hands. Originally, I was impressed by the selection of songs, as in they had songs that I would have wanted to play if I started a cover band; but after awhile the selection did feel limited (I guess that’s why there’s downloadable content). There was also a foosball table, and I played too/so much foos that my arms were sore the next day (I haven’t played in a few years).
Sunday, the day of rest, involved a lot of work. Since I finally had labels, I started printing and sticking labels and (carefully) stuffing envelopes. It’s not as easy as it sounds because it’s actually quite difficult to get the labels centered (horizontally AND vertically) and straight. The extra ~$1.5 per invitation it would’ve cost to print the destination and return addresses on the envelope doesn’t sound like such a bad idea anymore!