Last Saturday, I went down to Buffalo with Pauline, Ida, Kitty and Joe to take a look at bridesmaid dresses and other adventures. It was the march break weekend so we were worried that there would be a lot of traffic from other cross-border shoppers, but surprisingly we were able to cross at Queenston-Lewiston in about half an hour.
Our other adventures included eating at Cheeburger Cheeburger for lunch (at 3 in the afternoon) because I had a craving for hamburgers. I got a “The Serious” with mozzarella, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, 2 onion rings and BBQ sauce and it was very filling greasy. I also got a ChocoCola made from Coca Cola and Chocolate syrup. It’s not as bad as it sounds!
After “lunch” we did the usual cross-border shopping. Dinner was again at the Cheesecake Factory, however this time we were smarter about it. We arrived at 7ish and got a place in line, walked around the mall for two hours, and our table was finally ready! I was still full from “lunch” so I just ordered a Big Five but unfortunately forgot to take a picture of it.
On the way back, we tried to pass through with $410 and no exemption limit, so we got called in to pay taxes, which was the first time for me!