We’re back from our trip. I will of course blog the hell out of it in due time, I’ve already tagged and archived all my photos, and they will eventually make it up on to Facebook. I’ve been debating whether to diary-blog the trip like I usually do, or just tell some stories about several of the highlights, I think I’ll go with the latter.
One thing I was worried about were the lengthy plane trips, I have bad memories of being hella bored on trips back from London and France. This time I was luckier because we flew a red eye out, arriving in the morning, so I *had to* sleep if I wanted to actually do stuff the first day. Plus, the movies were Juno and Alvin & the Chipmunks, so it was an easy decision. The interesting thing about the flight there was the landing. There were 60km/h crosswinds when we landed so there was a lot of turbulence, but we arrived safely. I wonder if our landing looked like this?
For the return trip, I had a magazine and my DS so I wasn’t too bored, although I didn’t really have a game to play so I just played a several games for short 20 minute periods. The played Enchanted, August Rush, and I think Stardust (unannounced) but I wasn’t too interested in any of them. I had a weird experience as my seating was suddenly changed at the boarding gate, but fortunately for us, the plane was only 80% full so we were able to move to our own 3-seat row at the back. On both trips, we had a meal, a large snack/meal and a normal snack (pretzels etc). Surprisingly, there was free wine as part of the meal.
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