Recently, I have been looking for a good web2.0 feed reader to complement my offline reader. In a 1.0 life, I had been using Bloglines; but I have been frustrated with Bloglines since returning to it. I wanted to properly import my nested group folders and to not mark all my unread feeds as read when I open a group or site.
So I looked around for awhile, but most of the choices (Rojo, NewsGator Online, etc) turned me off. They either looked like a mish-mash of text and tags, or looked like a Windows feed reader — but in a browser. So recently I happened upon NetVibes, a French company that is creating a product similar to Google’s personalized iGoogle homepage, MyYahoo!, and
I didn’t really care for much of the portal features, but the NetVibes layout was tight and ajaxy. For some reason, the Google and Yahoo! offerings always looked ugly or too cluttered. is not too bad, but they’re owned by Microsoft and their definition of web beta is kind of wacked. Anyways, I imported all my feeds, organized them into tabs and tried it out for awhile. It works pretty well, and while there are a few things I don’t like about it, I think it works well enough to be used daily. If you’re a bloglines hater, try NetVibes out.