Samurai Seige is a game where you build up your Japanese village, train samurai and other troops, and then play a single player campaign or attack other players. It works on a premium currency model as well to speed up troop training or building. I played it for awhile but eventually got tired of waiting (and not paying). Eventually to upgrade your buildings, you have to wait days. It requires constant network connection partially due to its multiplayer mechanic – which in the end is kind of boring. You destroy other people’s villages for resources, but the destroyed villages are restored instantly (since it would suck to rebuild your village if it was destroyed). As the game gets harder, the game play gets more interesting. In the beginning, it is just about massing a lot of troops. Later, you have to pick the right troops to use at the right time, however I have a lot of trouble with the controls for deploying multiple troops. I played this for awhile due to lack of other things to play, but eventually got bored and gave up (didn’t even finish the campaign!)
I heard about Ingress when it was in its invite phase. Didn’t have an invite so promptly forgot about it. Looks like it’s open to the public now. I can’t really play it because I think it’s meant to be played by people who frequent (live, work) in high density areas. I can’t even get past the tutorial because there are no portals to hack in the places I travel within the suburbs!
There is a free version of Strata that you could try out first, but it’s basically a puzzle game where you have to layer ribbons and produce a specific design. The premise isn’t spectacular, but the game is executed well. Animations are fluid and it sounds great.