Speaking of board games and playing them on mobile devices, here’s my list of games that I’ve played/seen and find fun. It’s not so much a complete list, but rather ones that I’ve played which don’t have a crappy UI/AI. Maybe I’ll remember to keep this list updated when I find more
- Androminion (clone of Dominion) [Android]
- 7 Wonders (someone created a unauthorized version and was C&D’d) [Android]
- Neuroshima Hex [Android/iOS]
- Condado (clone of San Juan) [Android]
- Ascension [iOS]
- Bang! The Spaghetti Western [iOS]
- Catan Dice Game [Android]
- Catan [Android/iOS]
I also play the following on my desktop
- JCloisterZone (clone of Carcassonne).
- Ticket To Ride
- Puerto Rico
I know of the following, but I don’t play them
- Carcassonne [Android/iOS different publishers] (I don’t play this because JClositer is better/free and the game is not that fun)
- Greed Corp [Android] (I played this on XBOX360 already)