Even before it came out, The Dark Knight was destined to be the biggest movie of the summer. Advance sales hit records, and it looks like it’s going to be the #1 movie for 2 weeks in a row. I saw The Dark Knight yesterday in an event my early career group at work organized, and I exercised my patience since we had to schedule the event almost a full week after the movie came out.

For all the positive reviews, I didn’t think The Dark Knight was that good – in fact I think Ironman was a superior movie. I noticed two interesting about how the plot was structured, first they constructed outlandish scenarios in order to show Cool Things. For example, why was Batman in Hong Kong?? How did the Joker engineer the lower 5th scene without planning (I thought Batman was the schemer). This made Batman seem dumb, and not the resourceful super hero he should be.

In fact, the Batman character was really weakly written in the movie. The movie didn’t even focus on him! The Joker is the main draw; his and Harvey Dent’s story was the point of the movie, Batman was just there so people would come. How did Batman’s character development? All we learned is that he will persist at being Batman. He could’ve been a kung-fu robot dressed in a black suit and the movie would have been the same.

Looking back, I was disappointed at the movie because of such high expectations the press and Batman Begins put on the movie. The Dark Knight was not as good as Iron Man, and I would only give it 3 out of 5 stars.